favourite vim command of the day
I’m a big fan of writing constants in big letters, in every language. This is perfect for re-editing :
Puts the current word (“w”) into uppercase (“U”), lowercase would be “u”.
I’m a big fan of writing constants in big letters, in every language. This is perfect for re-editing :
Puts the current word (“w”) into uppercase (“U”), lowercase would be “u”.
found of the day: enter e.g. ‘man find’ in the url leads direct to an appropriate page on the net
Needed to simulate some DELETE’s on one of our production databases. After thinking about backup/restore and such time consuming things I found this :
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE test_tbl SELECT * FROM table_to_test;
This table stays until you drop it or close your mysql-admin session.
Nachdem das CVS Repository von meinem Forum auf play-wii.org nicht mehr komplett auschecken wollte (seltsame Fehler bei Binärdateien) habe ich das zum Anlass genommen um auf git zu wechseln. Was mir an git gefällt ist die relativ einfache Handhabung und das Konzept dahinter. SubVersion war mir dann doch noch zu “CVS lastig”.